If you are interested in becoming part of a team that strives to be caring, humble, loving, smart, patient, outward-thinking, hard-working, and patriotic — take a look at our volunteer opportunities! We are blessed with this opportunity to make such a significant difference in the world. Change only happens if we do it together. Due to the nature of the struggle we are serving, we are very careful in matching our volunteers to the tasks it takes to run our organization.

Volunteer Application

“As the co-founder and director of Warrior Freedom Service Dogs, I have been greatly humbled by the way God has included me in his plans for this organization. While I often feel like I am unqualified to serve our Veterans, a greater plan has been at work. God specializes in using the least likely people to do amazing things, so I gave up doubting and simply started doing.”

Adam Keith, Co-founder & President

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are unsure about where to start or how you can help, please reach out to our Volunteer Director.
We want you to join us on this incredible journey.

Apply today to become a WFSD Volunteer


Become part of a team that strives to be caring, humble, loving, smart, patient, outward-thinking, hard-working, and patriotic.

To contact our volunteer coordinator, click the button below.

Contact Volunteer Coordinator